Friday, April 15, 2011

Download the Latest Firefox Aurora and Nightly Builds, Get the Channels Newsletter

 This week Mozilla’s new browser channels went live and we have the links to help you get the version(s) you want most. We also have the link for the new official homepage where you can sign up for the newsletter as well as links to blog posts from Mozilla with detailed information about the new channels.

Photo courtesy of Firefox Fangirl.

Download from the Mozilla FTP Repositories

Photo courtesy of The Mozilla Blog.
Want to jump straight to the main Mozilla FTP directories for the new channels? Then these are the links you are looking for. Downloads are available for Linux, Windows, and Mac.
Note: The Beta Channel has not gone live yet even though there is a section/listing available at the FTP repositories.
Download the Latest Mozilla Aurora Builds Note: 5.0 Alpha 2 is the version currently available.
Download the Latest Mozilla Nightly Builds Note: 6.0 Alpha 1 is the version currently available, 64-bit versions for Windows are also available.

The New Firefox Channels Homepage

If you want a central location to keep up with the browser channels, you can do so at Mozilla’s official homepage. You can also stay up to date with the latest channel news by signing up for the newsletter.
Mozilla Channels Homepage

Additional Information

Photo courtesy of Mozilla Developer Center.
Want to learn more about Mozilla’s new browser channels? Then check these blog posts out!
New Channels for Firefox Rapid Releases [The Mozilla Blog]
New development channels and repositories for rapid releases [Mozilla Developer Center]
Mozilla Firefox: Development Specifics [Mozilla at GitHub]

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