Saturday, April 16, 2011

How to Properly Clean Your Camera Lens [Video]

Everybody is familiar with the most rudimentary of lens cleaning techniques–a swipe with a clean sleeve–but what about giving your lens a thorough and lens-friendly cleaning? This detailed video shows you how to get the cleanest lens around.

In the above video the guys at Nikon Help Hotline show you how to give your camera lens a deep and proper cleaning in a way that will remove dust, lift oils, and ensure that your expensive lens isn’t scratched in the process. It’s not the kind of cleaning you’ll do every day (or even every week), but when a swipe with a lens cloth isn’t cutting it anymore you’ll know how to return it to a show-room shine while preserving the pristine optics you paid so much for.
Proper SLR Camera Lens Cleaning [Nikon Help Hotline via Better Digital Photography]

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